This tour takes us to the highest points of the coastal range known as the “Serralada Litoral”, within the Montnegre natural park, which provides wonderful views of the Mediterranean in one of Catalonia’s least well-known but one its most interesting natural spots.
The tour allows us to discover little-known sites, such as the Sevinyà hermitage, or a radar dish located on top of the Punta de Garbí hilltop.
From the Punta de Garbí we will be able to trace the entire Catalan coast from Maresme to Barcelona and, from the hermitage’s viewpoint, we will go for a short walk in the nearby woods from where we will be able to see the Catalan Pyrenees in the distance and the whole of northern Costa Brava.
We will also visit the Can Marqués flour mill, which dates back to the 14th century, a Roman aqueduct located in Sant Pere del Riu, and the lime kiln in Hortsavinyà. All in all, a cultural day out.
We will also have the chance to put our driving skills to the test on high-intensity winding tracks.